A letter to the universe.
Dear Universe
Thank you for reading this letter. I am happy that you even manage to take some time off your busy schedule and attend to my problems. No matter how much i do for you (use less aircon, switch lights off), you still manage to give me problems. Today was my O levels, Universe, and a few things went wrong.
It started the night before, Universe. I couldn't sleep. Well now, you must be thinking "wooo big deal you couldn't sleep" but I am sure that if you felt the headache i had the next day, you'll complain about it too. I got prepared and was finally ready for bed at 11.30pm so i closed my eyes. After tossing and turning, I decided to go on twitter and tweet to my followers about my insomnia. After that, I tossed and turned even more. I decided to count sheeps (I WAS DESPERATE SSH). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....65, 66. I realized that counting sheeps wouldn't work so I counted backwards from 1000. 1000, 999, 998....723, 722. Wow. I'm counting a lot.
Time check: 2.30am.
Oh no. Being awake at 2.30am meant that I only had about 3 hours left to sleep and any normal human being would understand that that is an insufficient amount. I decided to sacrifice my neck comfort for rest and slept without a pillow cause it was hot? Finally got to sleep after a while.
O levels was fine bla bla bla it was okay I guess.
After O levels! I decided to watch HIMYM while waiting for Rifdi to photocopy ezlink for his DSA application. Sat on the 7th level bench there? After watching for like 5 minutes I realized that i've got a stomachache so i went to the toilet. Grabbed toilet paper. Sat on the seat. 1 minute passed...nothing. 10 minutes...nothing. WTH! Constipation for the lose man xP.
Anw went to submit our DSA form after that and saw yingxi there too! Hell i dont think i can get in but just trying out for fun. Everyone had testimonials and stuff!
Went home and watched sherlock holmes with Rifdi. His one liners are damn power man! Gotta watch it again some time soon haha. The way everything falls into place is just amazing! And again Robert Downey Jr plays a narcissistic character. Haha.
I knew I shouldn't have eaten cup noodles for dinner. I need my fiber!
Aww of the day?
From Geekologie
enjoy your holidays people!!
30 May 2010
No time
Mother Tongue O's tomorrow! Good luck to the lot of you taking (including me. I really hope that i don't stone during the exam). Planning to sleep early today so here's a bit of linguistic humor (Interesting init doe?)
The only problem
with haiku is that you just
get started and then— Roger McGough
From Futility Closet.
29 May 2010
Everyone should visit Hyperbole and a half. By blogger Allie Brosh.
Here's an extract
-An Open Letter to my Boyfriend, the Serial Killer
It's an amazing timewaster and all the topics that she attend to are written tastefully. Visit it now!
Here's an extract
Did you think that I wouldn't notice when you washed all the dishes just because they were dirty? Did you think that your little "I love your body" charade was going to fool me? Boyfriend, I don't know if you've noticed, but I have the breasts of a 9-year-old. Are you a pedophile??
-An Open Letter to my Boyfriend, the Serial Killer
It's an amazing timewaster and all the topics that she attend to are written tastefully. Visit it now!
Battle for the sun

The weather has been a really big pain in the neck recently. Like last month or so we were all happy that rain fell down and cooled the area (a bit) but now it's gone back up again? The grass I step on CRACKLES. Who says global warming is a myth?
(According to Rifdi though, the heat is from the Marina Sands project with all the machines there. hot hot hot!)
Anyway went to see the choir today. Came late and then sat down for a while in the music room. They're okay I guess. After sitting there for a while I went into the store room to, well, secret. Then yeah spent the rest of the time there cause I dont even know how to look out for the choir? Went down at 10 for intensive.
O levels is in 2 days? I must concentrate and start to properly study. After this blog post. I promise.
Oh and I found my iPod earphones! Now I can lay in bed watching The Big Bang Theory without having to shift one side of the headphone so close to my eye that it starts to vibrate. I really need to invest in a good IEM. So please give this poor man some money c:
Hell. I managed to screw up every single chance i get. Gotta keep strong man. Maybe it's better off this way.
"The more money you lend, the better the position that you'll get in the committee"
"Aiya nvm lah! We don't have any :)"
"....-whispers- I've got fifty cents."
Haha! Power hungry.
Ok ok. ok. study. Yes. That's it.
28 May 2010
Bloggin'again! Okay see Rifdi, this post will be longer than 10 words haha!
O levels is in like what, 3 days? But for some reason i'm not feeling the pressure. i should though. I'm pretty sure that when I open the paper, I'll go "holy mother" and close it and cry afterwards, cause i couldn't do it. So please give me the motivation to study SO THAT I WONT REGRET THIS MOMENT.
Okay that wasn't too shabby for a first post. I must bathe. I'm pretty sure that lizard died because of me.
O levels is in like what, 3 days? But for some reason i'm not feeling the pressure. i should though. I'm pretty sure that when I open the paper, I'll go "holy mother" and close it and cry afterwards, cause i couldn't do it. So please give me the motivation to study SO THAT I WONT REGRET THIS MOMENT.
Okay that wasn't too shabby for a first post. I must bathe. I'm pretty sure that lizard died because of me.
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