My standard excuse for being pudgy. HAHAHA.
So the past two days had been awesome. Very eventful hehehe. After school, whilst the rest of the class had already headed to ITE for the sports day, Farhan and I were stuck at the mosque cause neither of us had an umbrella and even if we did, it was raining very hard that i'm sure i'd get half of my body wet. Went to Shafeeq's side and chatted with him and Hazwan about How I met Your Mother. It's an awesome show, go watch it. We then grabbed a few snacks from the vending machine and waited there for quite a while until some guy came to get a few umbrellas from school. Went back to school after that, getting my shoe wet in the process 'cause i stepped on a puddle.
We settled in the school canteen. Shaf bought a few cookies and I tried drying my socks with a lighter that I found in my bag. Didn't work and almost burnt my socks. Since we couldn't get to the bus stop without getting wet, we decided to play soccer under the indoor sports hall. We thought the ground was dry but it wasn't. Most of us slipped and fell on the slippery ground and I managed to fly about a metre off the ground. Talk about inertia! Tsk.
Went home wet, tired, but happy from all the laughing at slipping people after that and got prepared for the sleepover at cedric's.
I reached his house early and found out that he wasn't home yet. So I waited at the bus stop and Ronald, Kesavan and Roy came a few minutes later. Took pictures of me imitating gangster fashion hahahah. Used a toothbrush as a cigarette HAHA.
We then went into Cedric's house and saw his parents. Settled onto the sofa and watched the match. It was pretty awesome, with Arjen Robben's acting and the blind Japanese referee and all. Played fifa, which Roy totally own at with Farhan although he deemed that he has never played it before, until the Ghana VS Uruguay match, which is when I fell asleep and woke up every few minutes. Everytime I wake up, I find a different object in my nose/ears. Papers, chips, nuts. I'm pretty sure Ryan placed it there while I was sleeping. Got woken up for the penalty shootout slept on Cedric's SHIATSU MASSAGE mat till the morning.
I woke up to the sound of people giggling and laughing. I stood up and saw the guys laughing while pointing at me. When I turned around and looked into the mirror, my face and shirt was covered in white powder. Turns out, they placed some mosquito powder on my face while i was sleeping and then I went on to rub it all over myself. Ew.
We then proceeded to Bedok's McDonalds for breakfast. While we were eating, Cheng Hong subconsciously imitated Zhong Wei, something that he had been doing for a while.
[Me]: "What"
[CH]: "I was looking over there then out of nowhere i started doing this *does the thigh drumming action*"
Went to pick up my bro after that and slept for quite a long time when I reached home. Super tired (:
nike cup finals tomorrow!