Blablabla life is so boring! I need to start studying soon cause I just realized that it's around 5 months before the main O levels papers come. Anyone wanna study together? I can't study alone I'll start drawing on my books and i need someone to stop me haha!
Since nothing thought provoking happened today (well there WAS Mr Zuraimi's speech but I'm just too lazy) I shall narrate my day to the lot of you here.
So i woke up at like 6.50? But then i decided to sleep again because for some reason the sleep last night felt SUPER good and the bed was pulling me in. Woke up after 10 minutes, bathed and stuff and walked out of mah door. I realized that I forgot the keys to the side gate so i had to walk back, which made me miss the bus. So I walked to the 16 bus stop then i'm pretty sure that i stepped on some kinda animal poop cause my shoe smelled after that. Got on the busss. Then saw peizhen boarding the bus at her bus stop so I asked her to look back. She was too lazy to. She got off and I showed her a raptor face haha. Turned out I was 20 minutes late. Ms Ho just nodded her head then I went to my desk. Can't remember the rest of bio cause I was sleeping most of the time. Then came recess then SS lecture. Sat in the front row so people kept throwing eraser pieces towards my direction which is like really annoying and shite so nick koh and i decided to dump some of it to the lower level hahahaha. After that was chem. Chem was okay. I managed to stay awake 'cause her lessons are interesting haha. At the end of the day Mr Zuraimi showed us some statistics about our maths result and turns out our class did like mother crap cause our MSG for Amaths and Emaths were 4.2 and 2.9 respectively. Walked to the VJ bus stop with stanson after that and we made tan people jokes haha! Then went homee and nearly missed my stop cause for some reason the bus was damn shiok. ached home to find out that my bro's and mom's room were being painted which kinda sucks cause the painters need to walk in and out of my shared bathroom and i can't take a bath in peace. Tried to run 3km after that cause Rifdi was all 3km-ish and stuff haha. Did it in 17 minutes? Man I suck hahaha. Then went back and ate dinner cause i was super hungry. Didn't get to play fifa with Shaft cause his siblings kept hogging the computer. Now I feel super sleepy. Shouldn't have ate so late. HAHA IT RHYMES. Ok no. You are crazy. I have cramps now great. Oh after that I watched Glee cause Glee is awesome and the episode was awesome! It's awesome that the club managed to scare the vocal adrenaline off haha cause the egg thingy they did was super horrible.
Ok ok. Regurgitation over. Goodnight people :D